5 Ways SchooLinks Can Strengthen Your CCR Program This Year

SchooLinks Staff
August 12, 2024

The beginning of the school year is an ideal time for counselors to consider the resources that are available to maximize their time and put effective systems in place to support CCR efforts for all students. SchooLinks offers a variety of unique features that  streamline tasks, expand access to information, and brings cohesion to CCR efforts for students, counselors, and educators. From automating data reporting to allowing for more strategic tracking of student progress to empowering students to take ownership over their career and college planning, these tools are just some of the ways that SchooLinks ensures that every student has what they need to be successful in their postsecondary next step–whether that be to college, the military, or straight to a career. 

1. Meaningful and Embedded Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, personalized learning plans are an iterative and embedded process that truly reflects who a student is, what they want to do, and how they will get there–not simply an isolated task to meet a requirement. SchooLinks automatically connects a student’s activities within the platform to their PLP. In other words, when students complete the Find Your Path and Would You Rather interest inventories, learn about careers that match to their strengths and interests, and explore colleges or training programs that align with these goals, the results are directly included in their PLPs. And, if a student’s goals or plans evolve as they engage in college and career exploration, their PLP is updated in real time. Because of this, PLPs are truly personalized to the student and meaningful to their CCR journey. 

2. Streamlined Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, each student’s PLP gets automatically completed in accordance with state requirements, as schools follow the recommended scope and sequence. Students are guided through exercises and steps within the platform to complete their PLPs rather than requiring valuable counselor and educator time to oversee the process. Because of this, counselors can then use their time for more effective student engagement–to review each student’s plan, provide relevant feedback, and give personalized support to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.

3. Connected and Cohesive College and Career Exploration:  Unlike other CCR platforms where college exploration is a fully separate experience, SchooLinks future planning for all students is rooted in career exploration. The platform organically encourages cohesion between students’ career goals and their college or training path. This alignment helps students to make thoughtful, strategic decisions throughout high school and beyond. Through interest inventories and other engagement, students first consider what they want to do and then learn about the available paths to achieve those goals. They can view careers sorted by the highest job growth in their state, engage with professionals in careers of interest, and view all of the available training programs or degrees available to them. With career-centric planning, all students, including those who will go straight to a career or training program and those going on to college, are able to make plans that help them reach their goals.

4. Learning Hub Resources that Can Be Personalized to the School or District: The SchooLinks Learning Hub, with short videos on relevant topics for students, allows schools to disseminate critical information, personalized to their students’ specific needs, with ease. Through customized, embedded content and videos shared directly with students through the platform–including resources selected by the school or district–counselors can share information as a response to frequently asked questions or concerns. These might include guidance on college admissions testing, work-based learning opportunities, or critical considerations for course selection. This allows schools to easily provide resources to students and ensure that they have access to the information that is important to them at the right time, at scale. 

5. Self-Driven Use for Students, Educators, and Industry Partners: For all users–from students to counselors to teachers to administrators to business partners–SchooLinks is both engaging and easy to use. With built-in training for each feature as it is encountered the first time, users can learn what they need to know as they go, allowing them to move within the system at their own pace, rather than wait for external directions or information to take each step. And with embedded AI help for in-the-moment questions, articles designed to support each role, and SchooLinks asynchronous support, all SchooLinks users can get immediate assistance and maintain momentum even outside the school day. And data shows that students do just that–with many utilizing SchooLinks outside of required tasks and without direct guidance or supervision because they find value in their time spent on the platform.

The beginning of the school year is an ideal time for counselors to consider the resources that are available to maximize their time and put effective systems in place to support CCR efforts for all students. SchooLinks offers a variety of unique features that  streamline tasks, expand access to information, and brings cohesion to CCR efforts for students, counselors, and educators. From automating data reporting to allowing for more strategic tracking of student progress to empowering students to take ownership over their career and college planning, these tools are just some of the ways that SchooLinks ensures that every student has what they need to be successful in their postsecondary next step–whether that be to college, the military, or straight to a career. 

1. Meaningful and Embedded Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, personalized learning plans are an iterative and embedded process that truly reflects who a student is, what they want to do, and how they will get there–not simply an isolated task to meet a requirement. SchooLinks automatically connects a student’s activities within the platform to their PLP. In other words, when students complete the Find Your Path and Would You Rather interest inventories, learn about careers that match to their strengths and interests, and explore colleges or training programs that align with these goals, the results are directly included in their PLPs. And, if a student’s goals or plans evolve as they engage in college and career exploration, their PLP is updated in real time. Because of this, PLPs are truly personalized to the student and meaningful to their CCR journey. 

2. Streamlined Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, each student’s PLP gets automatically completed in accordance with state requirements, as schools follow the recommended scope and sequence. Students are guided through exercises and steps within the platform to complete their PLPs rather than requiring valuable counselor and educator time to oversee the process. Because of this, counselors can then use their time for more effective student engagement–to review each student’s plan, provide relevant feedback, and give personalized support to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.

3. Connected and Cohesive College and Career Exploration:  Unlike other CCR platforms where college exploration is a fully separate experience, SchooLinks future planning for all students is rooted in career exploration. The platform organically encourages cohesion between students’ career goals and their college or training path. This alignment helps students to make thoughtful, strategic decisions throughout high school and beyond. Through interest inventories and other engagement, students first consider what they want to do and then learn about the available paths to achieve those goals. They can view careers sorted by the highest job growth in their state, engage with professionals in careers of interest, and view all of the available training programs or degrees available to them. With career-centric planning, all students, including those who will go straight to a career or training program and those going on to college, are able to make plans that help them reach their goals.

4. Learning Hub Resources that Can Be Personalized to the School or District: The SchooLinks Learning Hub, with short videos on relevant topics for students, allows schools to disseminate critical information, personalized to their students’ specific needs, with ease. Through customized, embedded content and videos shared directly with students through the platform–including resources selected by the school or district–counselors can share information as a response to frequently asked questions or concerns. These might include guidance on college admissions testing, work-based learning opportunities, or critical considerations for course selection. This allows schools to easily provide resources to students and ensure that they have access to the information that is important to them at the right time, at scale. 

5. Self-Driven Use for Students, Educators, and Industry Partners: For all users–from students to counselors to teachers to administrators to business partners–SchooLinks is both engaging and easy to use. With built-in training for each feature as it is encountered the first time, users can learn what they need to know as they go, allowing them to move within the system at their own pace, rather than wait for external directions or information to take each step. And with embedded AI help for in-the-moment questions, articles designed to support each role, and SchooLinks asynchronous support, all SchooLinks users can get immediate assistance and maintain momentum even outside the school day. And data shows that students do just that–with many utilizing SchooLinks outside of required tasks and without direct guidance or supervision because they find value in their time spent on the platform.

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Years with SchooLinks

The beginning of the school year is an ideal time for counselors to consider the resources that are available to maximize their time and put effective systems in place to support CCR efforts for all students. SchooLinks offers a variety of unique features that  streamline tasks, expand access to information, and brings cohesion to CCR efforts for students, counselors, and educators. From automating data reporting to allowing for more strategic tracking of student progress to empowering students to take ownership over their career and college planning, these tools are just some of the ways that SchooLinks ensures that every student has what they need to be successful in their postsecondary next step–whether that be to college, the military, or straight to a career. 

1. Meaningful and Embedded Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, personalized learning plans are an iterative and embedded process that truly reflects who a student is, what they want to do, and how they will get there–not simply an isolated task to meet a requirement. SchooLinks automatically connects a student’s activities within the platform to their PLP. In other words, when students complete the Find Your Path and Would You Rather interest inventories, learn about careers that match to their strengths and interests, and explore colleges or training programs that align with these goals, the results are directly included in their PLPs. And, if a student’s goals or plans evolve as they engage in college and career exploration, their PLP is updated in real time. Because of this, PLPs are truly personalized to the student and meaningful to their CCR journey. 

2. Streamlined Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, each student’s PLP gets automatically completed in accordance with state requirements, as schools follow the recommended scope and sequence. Students are guided through exercises and steps within the platform to complete their PLPs rather than requiring valuable counselor and educator time to oversee the process. Because of this, counselors can then use their time for more effective student engagement–to review each student’s plan, provide relevant feedback, and give personalized support to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.

3. Connected and Cohesive College and Career Exploration:  Unlike other CCR platforms where college exploration is a fully separate experience, SchooLinks future planning for all students is rooted in career exploration. The platform organically encourages cohesion between students’ career goals and their college or training path. This alignment helps students to make thoughtful, strategic decisions throughout high school and beyond. Through interest inventories and other engagement, students first consider what they want to do and then learn about the available paths to achieve those goals. They can view careers sorted by the highest job growth in their state, engage with professionals in careers of interest, and view all of the available training programs or degrees available to them. With career-centric planning, all students, including those who will go straight to a career or training program and those going on to college, are able to make plans that help them reach their goals.

4. Learning Hub Resources that Can Be Personalized to the School or District: The SchooLinks Learning Hub, with short videos on relevant topics for students, allows schools to disseminate critical information, personalized to their students’ specific needs, with ease. Through customized, embedded content and videos shared directly with students through the platform–including resources selected by the school or district–counselors can share information as a response to frequently asked questions or concerns. These might include guidance on college admissions testing, work-based learning opportunities, or critical considerations for course selection. This allows schools to easily provide resources to students and ensure that they have access to the information that is important to them at the right time, at scale. 

5. Self-Driven Use for Students, Educators, and Industry Partners: For all users–from students to counselors to teachers to administrators to business partners–SchooLinks is both engaging and easy to use. With built-in training for each feature as it is encountered the first time, users can learn what they need to know as they go, allowing them to move within the system at their own pace, rather than wait for external directions or information to take each step. And with embedded AI help for in-the-moment questions, articles designed to support each role, and SchooLinks asynchronous support, all SchooLinks users can get immediate assistance and maintain momentum even outside the school day. And data shows that students do just that–with many utilizing SchooLinks outside of required tasks and without direct guidance or supervision because they find value in their time spent on the platform.

The beginning of the school year is an ideal time for counselors to consider the resources that are available to maximize their time and put effective systems in place to support CCR efforts for all students. SchooLinks offers a variety of unique features that  streamline tasks, expand access to information, and brings cohesion to CCR efforts for students, counselors, and educators. From automating data reporting to allowing for more strategic tracking of student progress to empowering students to take ownership over their career and college planning, these tools are just some of the ways that SchooLinks ensures that every student has what they need to be successful in their postsecondary next step–whether that be to college, the military, or straight to a career. 

1. Meaningful and Embedded Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, personalized learning plans are an iterative and embedded process that truly reflects who a student is, what they want to do, and how they will get there–not simply an isolated task to meet a requirement. SchooLinks automatically connects a student’s activities within the platform to their PLP. In other words, when students complete the Find Your Path and Would You Rather interest inventories, learn about careers that match to their strengths and interests, and explore colleges or training programs that align with these goals, the results are directly included in their PLPs. And, if a student’s goals or plans evolve as they engage in college and career exploration, their PLP is updated in real time. Because of this, PLPs are truly personalized to the student and meaningful to their CCR journey. 

2. Streamlined Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, each student’s PLP gets automatically completed in accordance with state requirements, as schools follow the recommended scope and sequence. Students are guided through exercises and steps within the platform to complete their PLPs rather than requiring valuable counselor and educator time to oversee the process. Because of this, counselors can then use their time for more effective student engagement–to review each student’s plan, provide relevant feedback, and give personalized support to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.

3. Connected and Cohesive College and Career Exploration:  Unlike other CCR platforms where college exploration is a fully separate experience, SchooLinks future planning for all students is rooted in career exploration. The platform organically encourages cohesion between students’ career goals and their college or training path. This alignment helps students to make thoughtful, strategic decisions throughout high school and beyond. Through interest inventories and other engagement, students first consider what they want to do and then learn about the available paths to achieve those goals. They can view careers sorted by the highest job growth in their state, engage with professionals in careers of interest, and view all of the available training programs or degrees available to them. With career-centric planning, all students, including those who will go straight to a career or training program and those going on to college, are able to make plans that help them reach their goals.

4. Learning Hub Resources that Can Be Personalized to the School or District: The SchooLinks Learning Hub, with short videos on relevant topics for students, allows schools to disseminate critical information, personalized to their students’ specific needs, with ease. Through customized, embedded content and videos shared directly with students through the platform–including resources selected by the school or district–counselors can share information as a response to frequently asked questions or concerns. These might include guidance on college admissions testing, work-based learning opportunities, or critical considerations for course selection. This allows schools to easily provide resources to students and ensure that they have access to the information that is important to them at the right time, at scale. 

5. Self-Driven Use for Students, Educators, and Industry Partners: For all users–from students to counselors to teachers to administrators to business partners–SchooLinks is both engaging and easy to use. With built-in training for each feature as it is encountered the first time, users can learn what they need to know as they go, allowing them to move within the system at their own pace, rather than wait for external directions or information to take each step. And with embedded AI help for in-the-moment questions, articles designed to support each role, and SchooLinks asynchronous support, all SchooLinks users can get immediate assistance and maintain momentum even outside the school day. And data shows that students do just that–with many utilizing SchooLinks outside of required tasks and without direct guidance or supervision because they find value in their time spent on the platform.

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The beginning of the school year is an ideal time for counselors to consider the resources that are available to maximize their time and put effective systems in place to support CCR efforts for all students. SchooLinks offers a variety of unique features that  streamline tasks, expand access to information, and brings cohesion to CCR efforts for students, counselors, and educators. From automating data reporting to allowing for more strategic tracking of student progress to empowering students to take ownership over their career and college planning, these tools are just some of the ways that SchooLinks ensures that every student has what they need to be successful in their postsecondary next step–whether that be to college, the military, or straight to a career. 

1. Meaningful and Embedded Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, personalized learning plans are an iterative and embedded process that truly reflects who a student is, what they want to do, and how they will get there–not simply an isolated task to meet a requirement. SchooLinks automatically connects a student’s activities within the platform to their PLP. In other words, when students complete the Find Your Path and Would You Rather interest inventories, learn about careers that match to their strengths and interests, and explore colleges or training programs that align with these goals, the results are directly included in their PLPs. And, if a student’s goals or plans evolve as they engage in college and career exploration, their PLP is updated in real time. Because of this, PLPs are truly personalized to the student and meaningful to their CCR journey. 

2. Streamlined Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, each student’s PLP gets automatically completed in accordance with state requirements, as schools follow the recommended scope and sequence. Students are guided through exercises and steps within the platform to complete their PLPs rather than requiring valuable counselor and educator time to oversee the process. Because of this, counselors can then use their time for more effective student engagement–to review each student’s plan, provide relevant feedback, and give personalized support to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.

3. Connected and Cohesive College and Career Exploration:  Unlike other CCR platforms where college exploration is a fully separate experience, SchooLinks future planning for all students is rooted in career exploration. The platform organically encourages cohesion between students’ career goals and their college or training path. This alignment helps students to make thoughtful, strategic decisions throughout high school and beyond. Through interest inventories and other engagement, students first consider what they want to do and then learn about the available paths to achieve those goals. They can view careers sorted by the highest job growth in their state, engage with professionals in careers of interest, and view all of the available training programs or degrees available to them. With career-centric planning, all students, including those who will go straight to a career or training program and those going on to college, are able to make plans that help them reach their goals.

4. Learning Hub Resources that Can Be Personalized to the School or District: The SchooLinks Learning Hub, with short videos on relevant topics for students, allows schools to disseminate critical information, personalized to their students’ specific needs, with ease. Through customized, embedded content and videos shared directly with students through the platform–including resources selected by the school or district–counselors can share information as a response to frequently asked questions or concerns. These might include guidance on college admissions testing, work-based learning opportunities, or critical considerations for course selection. This allows schools to easily provide resources to students and ensure that they have access to the information that is important to them at the right time, at scale. 

5. Self-Driven Use for Students, Educators, and Industry Partners: For all users–from students to counselors to teachers to administrators to business partners–SchooLinks is both engaging and easy to use. With built-in training for each feature as it is encountered the first time, users can learn what they need to know as they go, allowing them to move within the system at their own pace, rather than wait for external directions or information to take each step. And with embedded AI help for in-the-moment questions, articles designed to support each role, and SchooLinks asynchronous support, all SchooLinks users can get immediate assistance and maintain momentum even outside the school day. And data shows that students do just that–with many utilizing SchooLinks outside of required tasks and without direct guidance or supervision because they find value in their time spent on the platform.

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The beginning of the school year is an ideal time for counselors to consider the resources that are available to maximize their time and put effective systems in place to support CCR efforts for all students. SchooLinks offers a variety of unique features that  streamline tasks, expand access to information, and brings cohesion to CCR efforts for students, counselors, and educators. From automating data reporting to allowing for more strategic tracking of student progress to empowering students to take ownership over their career and college planning, these tools are just some of the ways that SchooLinks ensures that every student has what they need to be successful in their postsecondary next step–whether that be to college, the military, or straight to a career. 

1. Meaningful and Embedded Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, personalized learning plans are an iterative and embedded process that truly reflects who a student is, what they want to do, and how they will get there–not simply an isolated task to meet a requirement. SchooLinks automatically connects a student’s activities within the platform to their PLP. In other words, when students complete the Find Your Path and Would You Rather interest inventories, learn about careers that match to their strengths and interests, and explore colleges or training programs that align with these goals, the results are directly included in their PLPs. And, if a student’s goals or plans evolve as they engage in college and career exploration, their PLP is updated in real time. Because of this, PLPs are truly personalized to the student and meaningful to their CCR journey. 

2. Streamlined Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, each student’s PLP gets automatically completed in accordance with state requirements, as schools follow the recommended scope and sequence. Students are guided through exercises and steps within the platform to complete their PLPs rather than requiring valuable counselor and educator time to oversee the process. Because of this, counselors can then use their time for more effective student engagement–to review each student’s plan, provide relevant feedback, and give personalized support to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.

3. Connected and Cohesive College and Career Exploration:  Unlike other CCR platforms where college exploration is a fully separate experience, SchooLinks future planning for all students is rooted in career exploration. The platform organically encourages cohesion between students’ career goals and their college or training path. This alignment helps students to make thoughtful, strategic decisions throughout high school and beyond. Through interest inventories and other engagement, students first consider what they want to do and then learn about the available paths to achieve those goals. They can view careers sorted by the highest job growth in their state, engage with professionals in careers of interest, and view all of the available training programs or degrees available to them. With career-centric planning, all students, including those who will go straight to a career or training program and those going on to college, are able to make plans that help them reach their goals.

4. Learning Hub Resources that Can Be Personalized to the School or District: The SchooLinks Learning Hub, with short videos on relevant topics for students, allows schools to disseminate critical information, personalized to their students’ specific needs, with ease. Through customized, embedded content and videos shared directly with students through the platform–including resources selected by the school or district–counselors can share information as a response to frequently asked questions or concerns. These might include guidance on college admissions testing, work-based learning opportunities, or critical considerations for course selection. This allows schools to easily provide resources to students and ensure that they have access to the information that is important to them at the right time, at scale. 

5. Self-Driven Use for Students, Educators, and Industry Partners: For all users–from students to counselors to teachers to administrators to business partners–SchooLinks is both engaging and easy to use. With built-in training for each feature as it is encountered the first time, users can learn what they need to know as they go, allowing them to move within the system at their own pace, rather than wait for external directions or information to take each step. And with embedded AI help for in-the-moment questions, articles designed to support each role, and SchooLinks asynchronous support, all SchooLinks users can get immediate assistance and maintain momentum even outside the school day. And data shows that students do just that–with many utilizing SchooLinks outside of required tasks and without direct guidance or supervision because they find value in their time spent on the platform.

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The beginning of the school year is an ideal time for counselors to consider the resources that are available to maximize their time and put effective systems in place to support CCR efforts for all students. SchooLinks offers a variety of unique features that  streamline tasks, expand access to information, and brings cohesion to CCR efforts for students, counselors, and educators. From automating data reporting to allowing for more strategic tracking of student progress to empowering students to take ownership over their career and college planning, these tools are just some of the ways that SchooLinks ensures that every student has what they need to be successful in their postsecondary next step–whether that be to college, the military, or straight to a career. 

1. Meaningful and Embedded Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, personalized learning plans are an iterative and embedded process that truly reflects who a student is, what they want to do, and how they will get there–not simply an isolated task to meet a requirement. SchooLinks automatically connects a student’s activities within the platform to their PLP. In other words, when students complete the Find Your Path and Would You Rather interest inventories, learn about careers that match to their strengths and interests, and explore colleges or training programs that align with these goals, the results are directly included in their PLPs. And, if a student’s goals or plans evolve as they engage in college and career exploration, their PLP is updated in real time. Because of this, PLPs are truly personalized to the student and meaningful to their CCR journey. 

2. Streamlined Personalized Learning Plans (PLP): Within SchooLinks, each student’s PLP gets automatically completed in accordance with state requirements, as schools follow the recommended scope and sequence. Students are guided through exercises and steps within the platform to complete their PLPs rather than requiring valuable counselor and educator time to oversee the process. Because of this, counselors can then use their time for more effective student engagement–to review each student’s plan, provide relevant feedback, and give personalized support to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.

3. Connected and Cohesive College and Career Exploration:  Unlike other CCR platforms where college exploration is a fully separate experience, SchooLinks future planning for all students is rooted in career exploration. The platform organically encourages cohesion between students’ career goals and their college or training path. This alignment helps students to make thoughtful, strategic decisions throughout high school and beyond. Through interest inventories and other engagement, students first consider what they want to do and then learn about the available paths to achieve those goals. They can view careers sorted by the highest job growth in their state, engage with professionals in careers of interest, and view all of the available training programs or degrees available to them. With career-centric planning, all students, including those who will go straight to a career or training program and those going on to college, are able to make plans that help them reach their goals.

4. Learning Hub Resources that Can Be Personalized to the School or District: The SchooLinks Learning Hub, with short videos on relevant topics for students, allows schools to disseminate critical information, personalized to their students’ specific needs, with ease. Through customized, embedded content and videos shared directly with students through the platform–including resources selected by the school or district–counselors can share information as a response to frequently asked questions or concerns. These might include guidance on college admissions testing, work-based learning opportunities, or critical considerations for course selection. This allows schools to easily provide resources to students and ensure that they have access to the information that is important to them at the right time, at scale. 

5. Self-Driven Use for Students, Educators, and Industry Partners: For all users–from students to counselors to teachers to administrators to business partners–SchooLinks is both engaging and easy to use. With built-in training for each feature as it is encountered the first time, users can learn what they need to know as they go, allowing them to move within the system at their own pace, rather than wait for external directions or information to take each step. And with embedded AI help for in-the-moment questions, articles designed to support each role, and SchooLinks asynchronous support, all SchooLinks users can get immediate assistance and maintain momentum even outside the school day. And data shows that students do just that–with many utilizing SchooLinks outside of required tasks and without direct guidance or supervision because they find value in their time spent on the platform.