Supporting The Roadmap for Student Success In Indiana

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Using SchooLinks to drive equitable student postsecondary readiness
Using SchooLinks to drive equitable student postsecondary readiness

This is what we do.

Indiana’s strategic initiatives focus on improving student postsecondary readiness through intentional academic planning, collaboration with the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, and Indiana’s Roadmap for Student Success.

Each initiative is supported through SchooLinks’ unique platform, which creates a cohesive experience for staff and students to efficiently track graduation requirements. Together, SchooLinks and Indiana school districts can help students reach their full potential.

Meeting Indiana’s Graduation Requirements with our 6-year Course Planner

Automatically ensure students are graduating on time with the right set of courses to meet requirements.

Learn more

Growing Indiana’s Workforce Readiness with our Work-Based Learning

Improve collaboration among industry partners and local districts to help students obtain real-world professional experiences.

Learn more

Fulfill Indiana’s “Preparing for College and Careers” Course with our Personalized Learning Plans

Save educators time and energy from having to use several different platforms to meet all of the domain expectations.

Learn more

What our users say.

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What our users say.

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What our users say.

Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
Name and Title
View The Case Study
Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
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View The Case Study
Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
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View The Case Study
"SchooLinks, By far, is one of the best programs we have added to Linton. I can't brag about it enough!"
Melissa Breedlove, 6-12 Counselor - Linton-Stockton Schools
View The Case Study

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Fast Setup. Robust Features. Outstanding Support.
Get in touch today to see a modern CCR platform that meets all your district needs, and then some.
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Meeting Indiana’s Graduation Requirements with our 6-year Course Planner

  • Automatically ensure students are graduating on time with the right set of courses to meet requirements.
  • Help students apply the skills and knowledge necessary to map out and pass the academic courses required to achieve postsecondary goals.
  • Help students see the connection between classroom knowledge and applied experiences.

Growing Indiana’s Workforce Readiness with our Work-Based Learning

  • Improve collaboration among industry partners and local districts to help students obtain real-world professional experiences.
  • Districts can develop relationships with industry partners and engage students through events, experience opportunities, and employment offerings.
  • Digital badges that support tracking student completion of the Indiana Governor's Work Ethic Certificate.

Fulfill Indiana’s “Preparing for College and Careers” Course with our Personalized Learning Plans

  • Track all course domains and support students' individualized plans.
  • Provides all of the content for teachers to deliver lessons to students.
  • Save educators time and energy from having to use several different platforms to meet all of the domain expectations.

Indiana’s Roadmap for Student Success with our Scope and Sequence

  • Easily track all parts of the roadmap to support the school counselor's college and career readiness framework.
  • Assign student activities and monitor progress through the interactive reporting dashboard.
  • Align Indiana’s Roadmap with SchooLinks learning units making it easier for school counselors to deliver direct services to students.