Meet All SD MyLife Requirements with SchooLinks

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Empowering South Dakota Students for Postsecondary Success
Empowering South Dakota Students for Postsecondary Success

This is what we do.

SD MyLife is aimed at fostering students' postsecondary success. At SchooLinks, we understand the unique requirements of the SD MyLife and have designed our platform to make SD MyLife activities an integrated part of student’s CCR journey.

Effortlessly Capture SD MyLife Activities & Electronic Signatures

Auto-generate students' SD MyLife as students complete activities.

Learn more

South Dakota WBL and Pathways Dashboard

An interactive dashboard pulls in activities and indicators in real-time so that district staff always know who is on track to graduate and who needs more help.

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Course Planning & Dual Credit Tracking

Students plan step by step and auto-calculate their graduation and subject requirement fulfillment.

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What our users say.

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What our users say.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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What our users say.

Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
Name and Title
View The Case Study
Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
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View The Case Study
Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
Name and Title
View The Case Study
"Her face lit up when SchooLinks did their demo, it was clear, and she even said, 'I could see myself and my friends using this without adult supervision or requirements.' It made sense to her that she could find information that was valuable to her."
Scott Kerwien, Chief of Student Success - Spokane Public Schools
View The Case Study
“If students are spending their own time on your platform, that’s pretty powerful testimony that it’s not just effective, it’s useful.”
Josh Cowart, Future Ready Counselor - Mead School District
View The Case Study
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See everything we have to offer.

Fast Setup. Robust Features. Outstanding Support.
Get in touch today to see a modern CCR platform that meets all your district needs, and then some.
Request a Demo

Step-by-Step Guided Course Planner

  • Personalized Course Planning: SchooLinks offers a step-by-step course planner that helps students and families navigate each subject area while planning courses
  • Real-Time Support: Features real-time error-checking and A-G tracking, ensuring students stay on track with graduation and college admission requirements
  • Pre-Loaded Course Sequences: Students can easily select from pre-loaded course sequences tailored to their needs, making course planning more efficient and customized

CCI Indicator Tracking Dashboard

  • Centralized Data Access: The CCI indicator tracking dashboard provides counselors with a single place to monitor students' readiness, making data easily accessible to all
  • Streamlined Data Analysis: Counselors can dissect and analyze student data without needing spreadsheets, simplifying the process
  • Customizable Insights: With just a click, counselors can drill down by site, roster, demographics, and synced characteristics like SPED, AVID, At-Risk, and more

Effortless College Application Management

  • FAFSA Tracking & Scholarship Matching: SchooLinks simplifies the process by helping students track FAFSA completion and matches them with relevant scholarships
  • Common App Integration: Easily manage college applications with automatic Common App integration and bulk document submissions, including to UC/CSU schools
  • Streamlined College Management: Track all applications, request documents like transcripts and recommendation letters, and monitor student progress with real-time reporting and analytics

Streamlined CCR Lessons and Tools for Educators

  • Asynchronous Learning Assignments: Assign asynchronous lessons to students through Scope & Sequence by grade, tag, and other relevant data
  • Pre-Built Classroom Lesson Plans: Access ready-made lesson plans for classroom use, including essential questions, CASEL competencies, objectives, and both teacher and student activities
  • K-12 Curriculum Support: Available for K-12 students, fulfilling Career to Cradle requirements for elementary levels