Thanks in part to Perkins V and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), career and technical education (CTE) departments have become some of the most data-forward departments in education today. That's because a central focus of these funding measures is accountability — the government wants to see a return on the investment they've made in these programs.
CTE departments and coordinators have to report disaggregated student data about:
Since data collection and reporting is a significant piece of a CTE coordinator's job description, it makes sense to find a way to make the most of those tasks. Student data doesn't just hold valuable insights at the federal and state level. It can be a powerful tool at the district— and even building level — for building next generation CTE.
By choosing the correct denominator and numerator, school districts can see where their CTE programs fit into the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)'s Framework For High-Quality CTE. Specifically, student data can provide insight into whether or not the curriculum is engaging, standards-aligned, and effective. CTE coordinators can use the data they collect to ask answer questions like:
The answers to these questions can shed light on what's working well, and where changes might be necessary to improve certain programs of study. CTE coordinators might unearth a need to add resources or revisit hiring decisions, engage with new industry partners, or focus on some career clusters over others.
We've talked before about how important the ability to disaggregate student data is. Paying attention to special population demographic data can give CTE stakeholders a lot of information about how equitable their programs are. It allows education leaders to get a realistic look into the ways that underserved or minority student populations experience CTE programs of study — and how that experience aligns or diverges from their peers'.
Importantly, CTE coordinators and school districts can use this data to see which programs of study are the most equitable and accessible and where underserved student populations may be experiencing exclusion. They may ask:
The first step to correcting a problem or building on an area of success is having a zoomed-out view of what's going on in the first place. Including student voices as school districts explore this data will be crucial. Understanding why students participate — or don't — in CTE programs of study begins with, well, asking them.
Giving students a safe, anonymous way to talk about what drives their participation, lack of involvement, and loss of interest in a program of study can provide CTE leaders with a better idea of what's behind the trends they observe in the data they collect.
CTE accountability isn't limited to secondary education. Perkins V data reporting mandates extend to postsecondary institutions, which also have to report on data that includes quality indicators like postsecondary placement and credentials.
Understanding how effective the CTE programming school districts offer their students requires having a better picture of where students end up after graduation day. CTE leaders can use the outcome data provided by entities like the National Student Clearinghouse to see which students continue along the CTE pathways they choose in high school.
With that information, school districts can work to build next gen CTE because they have a bird's eye view into:
Collecting postsecondary student outcome data provides a lot of context for school districts providing secondary CTE programs of study. It allows them to promote or incentivize participation in instructional pathways that lead to high-value credentials after students graduate.
Family and industry partner engagement continues to pose a challenge for school districts working hard to build next generation CTE for their students. Sharing the data they collect — always mindful of privacy concerns, of course — can be a surprisingly effective way to do precisely that.
CTE still carries some degree of stigma, and part of that stigma comes from a lack of awareness surrounding what's going on in CTE programs of studies. One of the most impactful things that CTE leadership can do with the data they collect is to fight that stigma while inviting families and industry partners to engage with CTE itself.
Making CTE student data accessible by way of data visualization can help CTE leaders:
Pitching CTE to students, families, and community partners as a concept can only go so far. Using data visualization to highlight the most important and noteworthy components of why CTE matters is what wins districts the champions that support their efforts outside of the school community.
SchooLinks helps CTE coordinators, programs, and school districts make the most of student data so they can build next generation CTE with relevant and rigorous programs of study for students. See how the tools and activities on SchooLinks can help link secondary CTE to postsecondary outcomes, close achievement gaps, and scale programs of study.