What if instead of spending time tracking down students, families, and their completed FAFSAs, you could engage in meaningful conversations about federal and state financial aid with your students, instead? The idea of an efficient and ahead-of-schedule FAFSA season may seem far-fetched, but with SchooLinks, it's well-within reach.
- Student activities and action items: On SchooLinks, configurable custom accountability indicators make it easy to assign FAFSA and state-aid related to-dos to students, including working through financial aid and literacy curriculum native to SchooLinks.
- Send reminders through text and email: Automated text message reminders and the ability to bulk message students means that every student knows exactly how long they have to complete their FAFSA — no more missed deadlines.
- Coordinate FAFSA events: We get it, the FAFSA is … a lot. Sometimes it helps to host a deep dive, and wiith SchooLinks, you can coordinate virtual and in-person information sessions and FAFSA events. Create events, invite participants, and track registration and attendance all from the same location.
- Easily track completion rates: When you attach a student file upload to a custom indicator, you get the only foolproof way of measuring FAFSA completion rates. Create a to-do for students to upload student aid reports, and let your students use SchooLinks to do the rest.