States have different names for key readiness indicators - Texas calls them CCMR, in Illinois it's called CCRI, in Ohio it's called OH Graduation Plan ... but in the end, it's a way for the state to measure the readiness of each student.
Don't waste time in the last few months of the school year, cobbling together 10+ data files from different departments and then clean the data to understand it. Automatically capture student readiness and use your time to counsel and advise them on post-secondary careers:
- Automatically capture graduation requirements - test scores and GPA, course selection such as AP and Dual Credit, and external experiences such as volunteering and accreditations
- Turn lagging indicators into leading indicators - check student status in real time and intervene before it's too late
- Centralize data sources - Combine data points from multiple sources into a single view for all stakeholders
- Don't let students fall behind - Drill down to the student level with easy-to-use filters to view student level information