This time of year, high schools are filled with excitement about end-of-year celebrations and plans for the future. Students wear t-shirts and sweatshirts declaring their college choice. Counselor walls are filled with banners of schools that students have committed to attend. For high school seniors, this hopeful energy permeates nearly all conversations–their future seems limitless with possibility.
Unfortunately, for many students, the intervening summer months do not lead to the college destination they intended upon graduation, with unforeseen barriers getting in the way. Research has shown that up to 40% of students do not end up matriculating at the colleges they committed to during senior year. This phenomenon is often referred to as “summer melt” and disproportionately impacts students from underserved communities.
Studies have shown that students living with low income, students in large urban districts, and first-generation college students are much more likely to delay or completely cancel college plans during the summer after high school. In these weeks beyond high school graduation, students often lose the vital support of their secondary school counselors and teachers and yet, are still left to navigate a host of necessary steps in order to be able to attend college in the fall. These include paying tuition bills, securing financial aid, finding housing, and completing requisite paperwork.
As part of a robust college and career readiness plan, secondary schools should consider what proactive steps can be taken in the spring as well as what support students might need over the summer to ensure a smooth transition between high school and college.
In planning for the summer months, consider taking these steps to help support students in overcoming potential obstacles that might get in the way of successfully starting college in the fall.
Going to college can change a student’s life trajectory. And for many students, if the momentum from high school to college is disrupted, they will unlikely ever return. With a few simple interventions, counselors and educators can play a major role at this critical point. In order to maximize impact, college and career readiness plans and supports should not end at high school graduation. Instead, they must extend through college matriculation when students join the support system that will hopefully carry them through college graduation.
Maintaning the momentum will help reduce the summer melt that many graduating seniors experiences. The tips above gives students readiness tips and support throughtout the summer on their career and college readiness plans post-graduation.