Social media content has become primary to many people’s everyday lives. From videos showing how to solve a particular problem, to tours of prospective vacation destinations, to guidance on playing a video game, to content simply aimed at entertaining or amusing, YouTube and TikTok content have become a pivotal way to reach audiences and build communities.
Many students, who are digital natives, see influencers who create content on social media sites as role models. From their perspective, these individuals get to make a living talking about their passions. They get to lead and share in a community of others who are excited about similar topics. They have a platform where their thoughts, opinions, and ideas matter. It is not surprising that a career as a social media content creator is attractive to many students. However, when many adults in a student’s life hear that a student hopes to have a career as a social media streamer or influencer, they often dismiss it as unrealistic. These ambitions are often immediately rejected, with an effort to convince a student of a more stable career path.
School counselors play a critical role in framing students’ sense of self and their future. When any student conveys a dream for the future, it is critical to not simply shut it down. If a student conveys a desire to go into content creation, it is important for counselors to be open to unpacking what a student sees as attractive in this kind of career, help shape pathway options for potential next steps, and understand that social media–and the skills required for content creation–are rapidly becoming part of mainstream communication.
When a student shares goals of becoming a social media star, it can be challenging not to respond with a litany of questions designed to steer them in a different direction. Instead of this approach, it is important to actively listen to the student. Having them articulate the why behind this desire, as well as talking about the kind of content they hope to create, can help them more clearly and thoughtfully understand and refine their goals. This exercise also gives counselors an opportunity to understand the student’s plans and hopes at a more nuanced level in order to provide support and advice. It is vital that all students feel their dreams are valued and honored, even if there are concerns about the plan being shortsighted. Career aspirations, in and of themselves, are key to encouraging students to think and plan about their future. Use these goals as a starting point for thoughtful postsecondary planning.
From creativity, to writing, to extemporaneous reporting, to video and sound editing, being a social media content creator requires a variety of well-developed skills and expertise. It is essential that students hoping for this future understand these elements and the training and/or certifications that are necessary for the work. Encourage the student to think deeply about which elements of content creation they find appealing and work with them to identify training opportunities, specialized programs, or related degrees. And, help students brainstorm other careers where they could use similar skills or find creative outlets. Helping students understand that components they like about content creation are present in other careers can inspire additional layers of thinking and planning.
Today’s content creators have a tremendous amount of influence through their followers. Find ways to show students interested in this type of work the power that can come with this role and help them to find alignment between their values and goals and the type of content they hope to produce. Content creation and production can also come with hefty doses of criticism, which students may not have thought about or considered. Talk together about the risks involved in this–including both legal liability as well as the emotional toll–as they explore this line of work. If they are dabbling in amateur content creation, encourage them to establish boundaries between their personal and professional life.
Content creation can produce income, but it requires a much more thoughtful and nuanced approach compared to traditional career paths; and, the business models for social media content are continuing to evolve. Help students explore different ways to monetize content, the reliability of the income based on different compensation structures, and the relationship between followers and a likely estimated income level. As students plan for the future, encourage them to reflect on the follow questions and considerations:
Social media is now core to nearly all business marketing models and communication plans. Fluency in content creation–from the development of ideas, to production, to growing a following–is and will continue to be a differentiator in the workforce. Students who develop expertise in utilizing social media sites to promote ideas or cultivate brand loyalty will be incredibly valuable to businesses, nonprofits, and causes across nearly all industries and sectors.
And beyond specific content creation, students who are adept in utilizing digital tools and technology, communicating with broad audiences, and collaborating on projects will be able to use those skills in a wide array of roles, giving them an advantage in future careers outside of social media content production. As a counselor helping students plan for their long-term path, it is important to both be supportive and realistic. With the right strategy, open communication, and ongoing planning, counselors can help students connect their content creation dreams and passions to postsecondary purpose, planning, and success.